Sunday, September 23, 2007

A ferocious attack of the bed mice.

Summer Croft....Mouse Raider
Max - The mousefinder general.

Summer here again.

Last night we discovered something called bedmice. They get into our human mummy and daddy's bed, and then move about under the covers. Max and I decided that mummy and daddy have been so nice to us, that we would get the bed mice for them. We got into position on either side of the bed.....

Max: ..yes Summer, a strategic move known as the pincer movement.

Summer: yes, yes, the pincher movement

Max: No Summer, not the Pincher's pincer, P.I.N.C.E.R. Oh why do I bother??

Summer: Blah blah, blah.....ANYWAY when the bedmice started moving about we jumped on them over again.

Max: They are quite a strong breed of mice, and our ferocious pouncing wouldn't make them come out into the onto plan B.

Summer: Yes plan B, we got right at the end of the bed and we stuck our paws under the cover. Then we put out our claws and attacked the bed mice. I got them quite a few times.

Max: The blond slave was over the moon with our results. She squealed very loudly in excitement and jumped out of bed doing a victory dance.

Summer: We definitely got them, because when we went back and looked for them again we found traces of blood on the cover, but we couldn't find any bodies, which was most strange.

Max: I have heard a rumour that bed mice are invisible, and can only be spotted when moving under the bed covers, looks like this theory could be true! Anyway we suspect that there is huge rug monster living in the sunny room, so we are just off there to have a look. By the way Summer, did you notice the blond slave was limping this morning, any idea what she has done?

Summer: I have no idea, these humans are so silly sometimes. Come on then to the sunny room............

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Summer Dancer............Dancing
Max eating........again!

Well Hello there Max fans, I think I can safely say that I am now lord of all I survey. My training of the slaves is going very well. The male slave seems to be shared by hairy woofer in the kitchen. I see them each morning at 6.30 am heading off in the box on wheels, the slave looking tired and the woofer lurching around like a loon. The female slave however seems to be 100% at our service. She feeds us, cleans our loo and rubs those places you can't quite reach yourself and I must say she seems to be getting better at it each day. The Oscar is comletely under my spell and follows me adoringly around the house. When the other cats see me enter the room, they show their respect by climbing onto the nearest chair and closing their eyes, a position which they stay in for the most of the day.
Female slave bought out the roaring monster yesterday, I have heard it roaring in other parts of the house before, but have never met it in person. The slave walked it round and round the floor, I suppose to give it excercise and seems to be feeding it dust and rubbish, most odd! I, of course, stood my ground and flexed my stripes at it. It obviously felt afraid because the next minute it when and hid back in its cupboard. Handsome and Brave, that's me!
Disappointingly I found my sister snuggled up in Oscars bed with him, she was so brazen about it, right there in full view on the landing! I think I may have to email our fur mummy Katie Moss and get her to have a word with her daughter.
Bye for now, but don't worry I'll be back soon. Max the Mighty xx.

Summer here, I have decide our new house is fun. There is lots to do and play with. Blonde one waves a feather thing in the air which I love to chase and then I found out I can dance, she took a photo which I posted above. One day she got the roary thing out of its cupboard and bought into our safe hidey room. We were so scared we hid under the bed, Max was shaking in his boots and I had to lick his head to soothe him, but it soon went back into its cupboard home. Max really likes Oscar he follows him everywhere like a little lamb. I like to play with Oscar too and snuggle up with him in his bed, its very cosy in there and he has a very nice purr. Its a short entry from me tonight because its time to play.......yippeee! Summer Disco Dancer xx

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hi, Summer Dancer here.

Where to begin???? We have been so busy, this is the first entry for a while.

We have to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our first human mummy Eunice today.

Now on to business. Max my silly brother has been hiding under the humans bed for about a week and a half. I have personally made many explorations across the landing, through the other bedrooms and down the big stairs and found that athough the hous is inhabited by my friend Oscar, there are also 2 older cats who seem to spend the whole of their time basking in the sunny room. However as long as I don't disturb their sleep, they don't seem to bother about me. I reported my missions back to Max, but couldn't convince him to come with me.

Then suddenly on Friday morning he woke up, had a stretch and came out to new mummy, who I think I shall now refer to as the "blonde one". Max let the Blonde one stroke him all over and pick him up. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then later that day he came down the big stairs, had a look around the litter room and then even came into the lounge. Since then there has been no stopping him, he is trotting around the house and has even started to play with MY friend Oscar. I don't know what has prompted this change of heart, but Blonde one and Brown one (new daddy) seem really excited and have been cooing all over him for the past 2 days.

Anyway have to go, it looks as though some chairs have been moved around, so I must go investigate.

Hi there, Cool dude Max Biaggi here. After a number of days collecting data from beneath the big bed, I decided that the new human slaves have been trying really hard to please me. The room service has been acceptable, litter box to an acceptabe standard and the number and variety of meals has been quite pleasing. I decided to give them a little treat and came out from the bedroom and made my great entrance downstairs. The slaves seemed quite excited at my appearance, so I allowed them to stroke my honoured self and even chased a tickle tale for a while. I new all would be safe as I had sent my rather daft sister out on a number of missions to check what was down the big stairs. Her repeated return meant that all was safe down there. I have met the big cat Oscar, I must say he does seem in awe of me and has begged me to befriend him. I have allowed his friendship, which I think has pushed Summer's nose out of joint. I always make a point at every opportunity to flash my maltesers at him ,just so he remembers who is the alpha male around here.

I think the slaves are bringing more food, so I must make an appearance to check that it is acceptable. Bye for now my adoring Max fans.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sunny day Sunday

Its day 2 in the new house. I have popped down to use the laptop whilst my 'big' brother is hiding under the bed. We have met the other residents apart from the Woofy thing that is moaning about being kept in the kitchen at the moment. They had one of these things at Mummy Eunice's too. The black boy Oscar has rather stunning amber eyes, we have rubbed noses and he gave me a little trill, I think he likes me. Max says he is all trill and no maltesers,but I think he is a bit jealous. The black and white one Daisy is OK at a distance, she just watches me but if I get too close she hisses and runs away, strange. The ginger one Garfield keeps himself to himself, haven't had much to do with him.

I adventured downstairs all by myself last night whilst Max stayed upstairs hiding.

This morning I had lots of cuddles and purrs with my new mummy, and then I lay on the window sill in the sunshine. Max is being a big silly and won't come from underneath the bed, he is such a shy boy its hard to believe we are brother and sister. Must go now and check on that baby brother of mine. Mow for now. Summer xxxx

Max here, Summer is being far to obliging to these new humans. My strategy is to keep them waiting for my superior presence. I need to get them trained right from the start, so I will continue to play hide under the bed for a while. Must get back upstairs before anyone notices I am not under the bed. Max xxxx